Happy Monday ya'll! Hope the weekend was good to you and that your Monday has been just as good as well! Other than Littliest being under the weather and me christening the new dining room rug things have been good. The weather was wonderful last week so there was a lot of playing outside which now has come back to get us. Littliest has bad allergies and he is congested in his chest and tries to cough it up. We go thru this at least twice a year so not a big deal but still not great to hear him go thru. Now the rug I have not even taken pics yet for ya'll to see but I promise I will soon! It came in last week from Ballard and is super sweet. Better than I had imagined and well it holds Chick Fil A sweet tea without staining. I was going thru all of our HobLob treasures and thinking abt the chandy in the dining room and well knocked a fill cup on the floor! I was afraid it would stain and go thru onto the floor but nope. Soaked it up and then sprayed water on it and soaked it up again. So far so good. In actuality I am glad it was me and not somebody else. I would have been livid. Now not so much.
The yard sale was Sat morning. I was out there at 7 and it was beyond slow but I expected that since we are way back in the back of the hood. I wrapped it up early around 11 but still made out super well. Well enough to buy a new sewing machine at Costco I had been coveting for a month now with money left over! To top it off I even got a FREE table from our neighbor/Realtor. She was out walking and said she was sitting it out at the curb cause ya know somebody would take it. Well she put it out there and I made The Hubster walk down there because my interest was peeked. I was thinking coffee table. Nope! The Hubster came back and said go down there. I made a bee line down there knowing good and well if I did not somebody would get it. Thankfully it was slow and The Hubster and I carried it down the street to our garage. It is a dark brown with rattan and a VERY heavy glass top. It will become the new desk in our soon to be office! After that find I did not care if I made any more money that day. I was just thrilled!

So there ya have it! Some of what I have been up to. Did I mention how much fun I am having!?
Your kitchen looks great, love the new/old chandelier!
ReplyDeleteLove the made over chandelier!
ReplyDeleteThanx a bunch! I store bought the one in or dining room and am finding it is just not grabbing me. I think a redo is in it's future as well but shhh don't tell The Hubster!;)
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you...everything is coming together so beautifully!!! I love the "new" chandy...it is so wonderful!!! Your window treatments are so darling...I love it all!!!
It looks SO GOOD, girl! LOVE all the colors, and the chandy is stunning. Can't wait to see more pictures!
ReplyDeleteSo, I have to tell you about my amazing purchase yesterday (this is TOTALLY what I would tell you in person if I lived near you, as we had lunch at Chick Fil A [did I tell you they don't have one here???]): so, I went to Dillard's to look at some bedding that I saw on sale on their website. Not that I need new bedding since the set we are using now I got right before we moved. Yes, I have a bedding addiction. Anyway, I went to Dillard's (thank goodness they have that here at least!) to look at it and just loved it. But it wasn't on sale. So the sales person went to ask her manager if they would honor the online price, and the manager said yes. So, when she was ringing it up, it DID appear to be on sale after all. HOWEVER - get this - our store is in the middle of remodel, and all of their sale merchandise is an additional 50% off. So, you guessed it: I got a $360 comforter set, which was only temporarily on sale for $270, for only $135. God TOTALLY wanted me to have that bedding, right? :)
Talk to you soon! :)
Yes Amy you were so totally ment to have it!;) I swear the next time you are in Beaumont we are meeting up at the Chick Fil A which just happens to be right next to the HobLob! :) We would so get into trouble girl!
ReplyDeleteDon't I know it! I have spent many a morning (and afternoon and evening) in the drive-thru line at that particular Chick Fil A. It just so happens they manage to get their nuggets extra crispy 100% of the time AND have lots of those amazing little crunchy bits in the box - JUST FOR ME! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start saving now for my next trip to Beaumont, just in case we can meet up... HobLob awaits!!! :)
Just name the date girl!I don't know if you remember way back when after Littliest was born and The Hubster worked in Beaumont for a year while we stayed put in Houston. I spent a few meals at that Chick Fil A. Loved the Super Joanns and have no idea why Beaumont has one and Houston does not.
ReplyDeletePost a pic of your new bedroom set! I want one! Our first was hand me down. The second and current was just $55 at Target. The problem are the four window treatments I would need.
Okay, Pamela - a whole post just for you! I couldn't get our camera to work (in true great blogger style), so the pictures are not great. But at least they are there. This is the actual link to the bedding at Dillard's:
I so want that bedding Amy!! On a mission now!;)